Minggu, 23 Desember 2007

How to Eat a Lot and Lose Weight


This is a list of steps that you can take to keep eating throughout the day without packing on the pounds! You will feel full, be satisfied, and still be able to maintain those bad habits like eating throughout a movie or eating in front of the television!


1 Step One


When choosing meals, pick recipes full of vegetables and water. For example, instead of making soup the appetizer, make soup the entree. Choose soups that are broth-based, not cream-based, and add additional vegetables to make it hearty!

2 Step Two

When choosing carb-based snacks, choose munchies that are made with whole grains. Natural popcorn, whole-grain and fiber-full cereal, whole wheat crackers. Happy munching!

3 Step Three

Cocoa puffs satisfy that chocolate craving, now with whole grains!

For sweet treats, choose desserts that are fruit-based like chocolate-drizzled banana bites or strawberry pieces. Need cake or cookies? cut them into small pieces so you can snack longer without taking additional portions. For lower-calorie sweets, try eating a bowl of your favorite kids cereal--it has a vitamin punch and can be more filling and take longer to eat than a slice of cake with the same amount of calories.

4 Step Four

This small ice cream cone sure beats a can of coke!

If eating is what is satisfying for you, consider making calorie replacement choices. Instead of drinking a non diet soda with your lunch, you could eat 100 more calories worth of food and gain nutrients unavailable in sodas. For instance, a 100 calorie scoop of ice cream also offers calcium, while eating roughly 20 baby carrots dipped in full-fat ranch dressing fulfills two vegetable servings!

How to Eat What You Want and Still Lose Weight


If you're like me, you want to loose weight but hate dieting. Well, throw the pills and diets out the window! You can 'have your cake and eat it too' without putting on the pounds. Sound crazy?
Read my article and I'll show you how to eat what you want and still loose weight!


1 Step One

Portion control! Cutting down a little goes a long way. Watch how much you put on your plate. For every bite you don't eat, your thighs will thank you.

2 Step Two

A smaller plate makes a smaller portion look bigger. When your eyes are bigger than your tummy, trick them into thinking you're eating more by using a smaller plate.

3 Step Three

If you drink a lot of juices, colas, and teas, either eliminate them or scale back. They are full of sugar and empty calories. If you can't give them up, dilute them by adding a little water. This will work for juice and tea ... not so much for your colas!

4 Step Four

Use condiments sparingly. Go ahead and load up that baked potatoe. Just make sure you don't load up so much that you can't see the potatoe!

5 Step Five

When dining with friends, ask for a to-go box before you dig in. Studies show you are less likely to stop eating when you are socializing...even when you're full!

6 Step Six

Who doesn't love french fries? I'm sure you know how unhealthy they are, but here's something you may not know- the frozen kind you find at the grocery store have about half the calories as your drive-thru variety. Save some calories without saving on taste!

How to Eat a Lot and Lose Weight


This is a list of steps that you can take to keep eating throughout the day without packing on the pounds! You will feel full, be satisfied, and still be able to maintain those bad habits like eating throughout a movie or eating in front of the television!


1 Step One


When choosing meals, pick recipes full of vegetables and water. For example, instead of making soup the appetizer, make soup the entree. Choose soups that are broth-based, not cream-based, and add additional vegetables to make it hearty!

2 Step Two

When choosing carb-based snacks, choose munchies that are made with whole grains. Natural popcorn, whole-grain and fiber-full cereal, whole wheat crackers. Happy munching!

3 Step Three

Cocoa puffs satisfy that chocolate craving, now with whole grains!

For sweet treats, choose desserts that are fruit-based like chocolate-drizzled banana bites or strawberry pieces. Need cake or cookies? cut them into small pieces so you can snack longer without taking additional portions. For lower-calorie sweets, try eating a bowl of your favorite kids cereal--it has a vitamin punch and can be more filling and take longer to eat than a slice of cake with the same amount of calories.

4 Step Four

This small ice cream cone sure beats a can of coke!

If eating is what is satisfying for you, consider making calorie replacement choices. Instead of drinking a non diet soda with your lunch, you could eat 100 more calories worth of food and gain nutrients unavailable in sodas. For instance, a 100 calorie scoop of ice cream also offers calcium, while eating roughly 20 baby carrots dipped in full-fat ranch dressing fulfills two vegetable servings!

How to Drop 10 Pounds QuickIntroduction


Have a few pounds to drop? Want to squeeze into that special dress or pants again...read on


1 Step One

Set your goal. Having a goal in mind can help keep you focused and motivated. Write it down in a journal or post it on your bathroom mirror. It doesn't have to be a long elaborate passage, sometimes just a number will do. Choose the wording or symbol that works for you. Remember to keep it positive and motivating.

2 Step Two

If you think you're too busy to exercise. STOP right there! We've all got the time, it's a matter of priorities. If losing weight or getting fit are a priority for you then you'll make it happen.

So now Set a time of the day when you can focus on yourself and your fitness routine. It doesn't need to be the same time everyday, just as long as you make a little time 5 or 6 days/week.

3 Step Three

Determine your exercise preferences. Everyone is different and certain exercise formats will appeal to different people. It's extremely important that you pick the exercise format that suits you and you can enjoy. If you hate the workout, it will quickly fall off your priority list.

To get the best results and the quickest ones, you'll need to combine cardio or aerobic exercise with toning/strength. This way you'll be burning calories and strengthening your heart and lungs with the cardio, while building lean muscle mass and firming up your body with the strength and toning portion. Building lean muscle mass also helps to naturally speed the metabolism so you'll begin to burn more calories EVERYDAY!

Some examples of cardio:
Power Walking
Aerobics class or DVD
Dancing (if done continuously for a min of 20 mins)
Turbo Kick
Tae Bo

Examples for toning:
Weight Training

4 Step Four

Now lets set up your plan:

Day 1
45 mins of cardio
20 mins toning session

Day 2
45 mins of cardio

Day 3
45 mins of cardio
20 min toning session

Day 4
45 mins of cardio

Day 5
45 mins of cardio
20 min toning session

Day 6
45 mins cardio

Day 7

This program is designed for quick results but if 45 mins of cardio is too much to handle at first start with 20 and work your way up. The most important thing is to do something active 5 or 6 days per week. Whatever that may be, you'll be healthier have more energy and gain confidence in your body.

How to diet online


There are many ways to lose weight through dieting and exercise or some combination of both. Dieting alone is often not enough. If you want to see results you need to make a mindset and lifestyle change and be committed to your goals. Creating a diet journal is a great way to keep yourself honest and track what you eat and when you exercise. You can also find great tools to do this online. The Daily Plate, is a site that allows you to search a food and fitness database and track what you have eaten or done with one click.


1 Step One

Food Item Page

Go to http://www.thedailyplate.com and search for the foods you eat and view their nutritional content. If the food item you are looking for is not in the database you can add it yourself by clicking on the "Add an Item" link at the top of the page.

2 Step Two

I Ate This Button

Click the "I Ate This" button the add this item and all of its nutritional information to your MyPlate diet journal page.

3 Step Three

MyPlate Diet Journal

Track all of the items you eat and all of the physical activities you do throughout day on your MyPlate diet journal page. You can see how many calories you have eaten, how many you have burned and how many you have left to eat all on one page.

4 Step Four

Group Page

Get support from the rest of the community by posting in the message baords or joining a group.

How to Succeed With Your Diet


Typically, when thinking of the word diet, we think temporary. Spring breaks, weddings and even weekend beach trips will get us to lose some weight. Unfortunately, these short term diets don't work. They are unhealthy and once you stop them, your weight will come back. Studies show you'll be heavier than when you started. Instead of diet, think lifestyle change. This doesn't mean you have to give up fried chicken, pizza or even chocolate. Eating is a big part of our lives and should be enjoyed. An important concept to understand is moderation. If you can't live without fried chicken, eat it, just not everyday. Plus if you have it less, you'll enjoy it more.


1 Step One

Going from your favorite unhealthy foods to healthier alternatives is a huge jump. Next time you are flipping through channels, try and find a makeover show. Many of these shows try and get people to completely change their eating habits in less than a week. While this may seem healthy, it probably won't lead to any long term changes. Put yourself in their shoes. What food do you eat that you know is unhealthy and really love? How would you feel if someone said you can't ever have that food again? I don't think I'd go for it.

2 Step Two

An easier way to do it is gradually. Take a food you love and try to make it healthier. If you love pizza, instead of buying it ready, make it at home. There are easy to use crusts available at your grocery store. Add your own toppings. If you love fried chicken, try baked chicken. Don't go out, make it yourself. Home made meals are almost always healthier than ones you get at a restaurant (fast food or not).

3 Step Three

Another popular way to get healthier are fat-free or low fat versions of food. Cream cheese, peanut butter and milk all have low fat or fat free substitutes. Sometimes companies do a good job with taste and sometimes they don't. In some cases it might not even be possible to get the same taste with all the fat taken out.This is why it is important to go down in steps. If your goal is to drink fat free milk but you're using whole milk, don't do it overnight. Take it in steps over the coarse of a few weeks. You won't notice the difference in taste as much. The same goes for other dairy products. Also, if you just can't stomach the fat free version, try the low fat version.

How to Lose Weight without Diet or Exercise


Have you ever wanted to lose weight but got stuck counting your carbs or your strides on the elliptical machine? I dieted and exercised rigorously for four years and lost NOTHING. Then, I stopped doing these things and lost 22 pounds in the past year!


1 Step One

Weigh yourself and determine why you want to lose weight. If you are looking for a quick fix, this article is not for you! My tips provide long-term weightloss and a healthier lifestyle overall. Notice your eating habits and how much you generally eat in one meal.

2 Step Two

Start eating a little bit less than you normally do. I started off leaving three bites on my plate at each meal. I always felt satiated but never stuffed. Then eventually my body became used to this, and I started leaving 4, 5, and more bites there because my stomach has shrunk!

3 Step Three

Portion control, portion control, portion control! This is an extremely effective way to lose weight. Learn to have a good eye for portions: 1 serving of cheese should be about the size of your thumb, a portion of meat should be about the size of a deck of cards, etc, etc. Look up tips online to make it easier to "guesstimate" certain portion sizes.

4 Step Four

Start to add tasty fruits and vegetables into your lifestyle one at a time. Fruits and vegetables give you lots of fullness and satisfaction for very few calories. An apple has the same amount of calories as a bonbon, but which one will make you fuller for longer? Would you rather have a snack-size bag of 6 to 7 chips or a plate of carrots, celery, brocolli for the same amount of calories?

5 Step Five

Read up about nutrition. If you aren't used to eating fruits and vegetables, you will learn that you are getting more "bang for your buck" when it comes to getting lots of vitamins and nutrients for very few calories. Dr. Shapiro's book "Picture Perfect Weight Loss" is very useful for gaining perspective on this tip and the one above. After only a couple of weeks, your body will learn to prefer these healthy foods to junk. Learn to appreciate the decadent flavors of nature.

6 Step Six

You can eat anything you want, but only in moderation. Won't you get as much satisfaction from one portion of that delicious chocolate ice cream as you would a large bowl? If all else fails, fill up on fruits and veggies before you indulge, so you will still get the taste that you are craving but you will be full before you get all the unnecessary calories.

7 Step Seven

When I go out to eat, I am very selective about what I order. Often, I will order a full sized entre and split it with a friend or take half of it home. Or, I will order a few things off of the 1 dollar menu. Generally, the 1 dollar menu has small sizes, so that automatically means fewer calories right there! I generally order a burger, a fruit (lots of places nowadays offer yogurt or a fruit cup), and maybe fries. Sounds yummy!

8 Step Eight

Stop, stop, stop drinking caloric drinks! This is my number one rule. Drinks that are not smoothies are packed with empty calories- calories that don't provide you with any nutrition or a feeling of fullness. Switch to diet drinks, or drink water. Purchase light lemonade mix and fill water bottles with that- only 5 to 10 calories a cup, and you still get a great sweet juice taste!